So what's this game about?

Started as a game jam project, Hush Hush High is a weird stealth game about stopping the main character from spreading gossip.

A Weird Stealth Game?

Stop her or she'll spread the gossip!!

This game is not a stealth game in the traditional sense. Don't expect vision cones or throwing rocks to distract enemies. In fact, the aim of the game is not to hide from people but to hide them from yourself.

Mochi, the main character, loves to gossip. She will try and spread gossip to any person she sees in front of her. The player has to "pull her back" every time she sees someone. Hence all the stealth mechanics are inverted. It's the player's job to distract Mochi and keep others away from her vision radius.

Everyone Loves to Gossip!

A game about spreading gossip was a weird concept to begin with. We participated in the Pirate Software - Game Jam 14 where the selected theme was "It's Spreading". After throwing around a few ideas the concept we loved the most was a game about preventing gossip from spreading.

We imagined it like a game about walking a dog. Every now and then, the dog starts pulling you towards something and you need to play a game of tug-of-war to bring it back on track.

Back to High School

Mundane tasks around the high school

Since our game was themed around gossip, a high school seemed like the best setting for it. While doing research, we fell in love with the look of the early Pokémon games. Mainly a small fan game called Pokemon Little Academy (excuse shady link :P) since it was set in a high school like environment. I think the inspiration from those games is quite clear in the gameplay.

Gimme a Break(down)

I will be using's devlogs to do a detailed breakdown of the various aspects of the game. Different posts will elaborate on our process and certain decisions that we made during the development of this game. At the time of writing this post, the game is almost complete, bar a few minor features and polishing.

Note: Since the game is still under development, the gameplay trailer has some outdated mechanics and visuals. An updated trailer will be released when the game is launched.


Wishlist the game on Steam!!


TeammatesAnushka Karmakar and Nimish Rohankar

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